Hi! This is my webpage of GITA 2/AP Computer Science Principles. In this class we learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Misinformation vs. Disinformation

In this project we made a comparison of Misinformation & Disinformation.

Buisness Card

In this project we created a personal buisness card using CSS.

Technology Webpage

In this project we designed a website and researched about a technology that intrested me.


In this project we used CSS to layer and rotate images.

Merchendise Webpage

We designed this webpage to look like a merchendise store.

Merchendise Webpage Upgrade

We designed this webpage to look like a merchendise store and added more functions.


This project simulates a random dice generator.


This project is desgined to be a online version of the game Craps.

Triange Checker

This project checks trianges and tells you about them.

Circle Bounce

This project was a introduction to the canvas tag.

Space Invader

This project is a mini space invaders game.


This project talks about the extreme sport of computer science.

Circle Objects

This just has a bunch of random colored circles bouncing around.

Helicopter Game

This project creates a helicopter and birds that are on timers.

Research project

This is a project about researching about technology.